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Play deanship development role in many of the tasks that focus in the development of software development, implementation and monitoring of the implementation of the Strategic Plan KSU2030, through the departments of the three, namely: (planning developmental, policies and procedures, and the executive management of the Strategic Plan PMO), which has been newly created to monitor the implementation of the strategic objectives University of selecting the seven programs are: (Excellence, faculty members, students, relationships, the environment and restructuring, contract performance, contact)


The vision of Dean to be a reference to the strategies of university development for Entrepreneurship world, as it seeks to build strategies, plans and programs in support of the capacity of competitiveness through the development of policies, procedures and projects, organizational development and follow-up implementation, and adoption of development initiatives and the organization of their consistency with the plan KSU2030, To achieve this play Dean several tasks of including the preparation of studies, proposals and development plans, and continue to set up strategic plans, and cooperation with units of the university about the preparation and application of operational plans, and the formation of working groups for development activities with the study of development opportunities administrative, financial and academic standard on all units, in addition to developing coordination mechanisms and procedures for cooperation with the concerned units development at the university, and to achieve this deanship adopted a development of seven strategic objectives, namely:
1 - Establishing a culture of strategic planning
2 - the optimal implementation of the Strategic Plan of the University
3 - Develop policies and procedures, administrative and academic
 4 - building capabilities and capacities Dean
5 - Adopting a developmental practices - that can be monitored - institutions of higher education
6 - Improving the mental image of the University (IDS)
7 - sustainable financial development of the Deanship

Last updated on : January 12, 2023 2:25am